Using the script


Once you’re setup has been created and you have you’re blocking, you’re ready to go.
If you installed it right, just click on the button
It should open this


Now to use the script, you must select some blocking groups and some configurations groups.
You can select one or multiple blocking and configuration groups,
but you don’t have to select every blocking and configurations groups.
For instance if we continue our clock exemple, you would like to only generate the wall clocks,
then select your wall clocks blocking group and only your wall clock Configurations
For more visibility when you generate your final models, hide your blocking groups


Now that you have selected your desired blocking and configuration groups,
Just click on Generate !
The script create a group for each blocking groups, they are named using the blocking groups name.
These group should contains a group for each meshes that were present in the blocking groups
If you’re not happy with the random seed / generation that you got,
you can hit on Random so that it will generate again the last generation

Deleting a seed

If you want to delete the generation you did in a clean way,
you just have to delete the groups that bdGenerator created,
easely identified by the _All_grp name at the end